Thursday, May 05, 2005

Ohhh...The Disappointed E-Mail.

I turned in my last paper of the semester guessed it...late! I emailed it to my professor so he wouldn't have to take a seperate trip to school (the semester is over and all), and even offered to bike it over to his house, and I got...this e-mail in reply:

I got the essay, Jeremy. Thanks. I'm sorry you missed the gathering
at my house on Tuesday. We had a very relaxing time. I'll place graded essays in mailboxes later this week, Monday at the latest.

Dr Bushman

C'mon, can't you feel it? The passive-aggressive disappointment? The "well, at least you'll have it graded on time?" The guilt trip for blowing off his end of semester shindig because I was exiled in shame by not having my paper done? It's horrible. I wish he'd just gone ahead and failed me. Now I have to deal with three months of sad, head-shaking disapproval from my super nice-guy professor. Damn. Oh, and he's just Don when you haven't been a bad person. I got the grownup-speaking-to-child full-title name.

I swear, for Summer school I'm turning my stuff in on time.


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