Wednesday, July 13, 2005


The now-deleted London post wasn't deleted because of anything anyone said. It's gone because I realized later how excessive it was; it's gone because I didn't agree with half the things I'd written when I re-read it; but it's mostly gone because I'm done blogging about politics for now. The end. No more. I'm even changed the absurdly pretentious name of this page, to the working title above until I think of something more catchy. I considered, for a moment, pulling the plug on it entirely and starting over, but I've dropped too much time into the template and I'm kind of lazy.

I've come to realize over time that I've become guilty--very guilty--of something more sensible people make fun of: blogging about politics to sound smart and moral, to have my voice be heard and counted, even if half the time I don't have the slightest idea what I'm talking about. And blogging ignorantly about something in hopes of getting attention and approval is really (if we're to be honest) just a little bit pathetic. I look back at many these political rants and realize a first-year law student could blow any of them out of the water, even if he secretly agreed, because I don't have the knowledge to back up my assertions. And no, links are not knowledge, and they aren't evidence. Links are useful, of course, but can't really substitute for informed argument. They're a lazy person's way defer the burden of exposition onto someone who knows what they're talking about.

So there you have it. I woke up one morning to realize that I'm essentially a fraud and a sham as a political blogger, and that reading the NY Times and Wall Street Journal and a few opinion mags don't give me the qualifications to bark about public policy any more than the fat jerk blathering about the game at the office Monday morning is qualified to be an NFL coach. I'm qualified to vote, by both law and my own opinion, and so that booth is where my views are, primarily, getting left from now on. You may see them in your comments forums, but not here.

So I'll write film reviews and book reviews, philosphical reflections, spiritual musings, academia stuff, and notes on baseball, both because I'm on surer ground and because the consequences of being wrong (or even right) make a fella seem like less of a pompous, self-important ass. This epiphany isn't a disappointing one. Rather, I find it quite liberating. Look everyone! Guess what, I know more about politics than a lot of people, but a lot less than I pretend! Look at the prating jackass, exposing his ignorance for whoever chooses to see it! There, I feel much better.

So I'm gonna go read a Terry Pratchett novel, and enjoy it, and maybe write something about it when I'm done. I am already done with the change-the-world stuff in this space. It's probably more efficient for me to start by cleaning my apartment than to rail against distant events and figures. Shouting at the top of the world from the bottom is beginning to seem to me a presumptuous waste of time. There's a universe of life and mystery right around me that demands my attention more than the actions of people I'll never meet doing things that I can't influence. This blog isn't going away, but it is moving closer to home.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Not what I expected at all, but if you're OK with the epiphany, I'm happy for you. I hope you won't look down on those of us who continue to blog about politics or philosophical stuff, and stop by every so often. (I'm being serious and genuine, not sarcastic.)

Thu Jul 14, 12:02:00 AM EDT  
Blogger JPS said...

Don't worry about that at all, Hamel. I'll happily see what everybody else has to write, and maybe even argue or agree a little bit with you in your forums. Just not here. That's just not what I'm interested in writing about anymore. There are a million other bloggers and a trillion paid writers that do it better, and since I'm not ever going to reach that level, I'd rather focus on things I'm more adept at. But because I chose that doesn't mean that I look down upon or will enjoy less about what the rest of y'all write.

So don't worry, I'll still be by, to read and learn. That's not going to change.

Thu Jul 14, 12:13:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Glad to here it. I'll continue to stop by here, as well.

Thu Jul 14, 07:34:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Would you like your link name changed on my page?

I'm proud of you for being so self aware.

I think all of the political and social commentary was making me really cranky, and nasty. After yesterday's big spat w/ Mr. Hamel I was thinking about totally dropping out of the blog world myself, but have decided to continue to simply use my blog as a journal and read other blogs without commenting. I do need to practice listening better.

C'mon over to IRBS and read about birds, flowers and sailboats.

I've had quite a bit of fun in my backyard.

Thanks :-)

Thu Jul 14, 10:39:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Jason said...

Far too often a web log can turn into cyber-Crossfire, so I hear you. I'd rather watch the NewsHour, thanks.

These days I prefer to fill the blogosphere with (hopefully) amusing anecdotes and observations of the absurdity of life, often my own. Like you say, there are plenty of people out there blogging on politics, and some of it better than I can do. If I come up with an idea I think might be interesting, I'll throw it out, but otherwise, but I'm all for sticking to a blog that reflects one's own weltanschauung. The blogosphere has plenty of GOP, and not nearly enough PBR.

After all, it's a pretty funny little world we inhabit, even if it's unjust, unfair, and full of apathetic people (myself all too often included). Live it up, LL.

Thu Jul 14, 10:50:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oopsy, I forgot to ask, Why are you now The Evil Jeremy? Or is it something secret we're all supposed to wonder about?

Thu Jul 14, 10:57:00 AM EDT  
Blogger JPS said...

Katie, first of all, thank you (and thank all of you) for being supportive of the thematic shift. I was thoroughly burnt out on political blogging, and thought that things here might be a little more fun for all of us if I changed to blogging about things for which I have more passion right now.

Secondly, please hold off on changing the link name until I decide on a permanent one. The url will remain unchanged. No sense in messing with that.

"The Evil Jeremy" is an in-joke between me, the ex-girlfriend, and a few others. It's corny but amusing to me, and is meant to be a more personal replacement for the overtly political Centerleft.

Also, to Hamel, let me clarify that I can't absolutely rule out that in discussing philosophy here that politics won't enter into a debate: it's not as if I've developed a sudden allergy, or won't discuss it regarding another post. It just won't be the starting point for any more posts here.

I think you'll also notice that the revised tone of the post is a bit more uplifting than the version you originally read. (I frequently revise shortly after posting, and you caught that one about five minutes after it was born, before I had expanded some original points.)

Thu Jul 14, 11:49:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Jeremy - I like your comments, think they're very insightful, and as Katie said, self-aware. I also agree with Katie's observation that talking politics makes one cranky, and while I still care about that stuff, it'll be nice to hear your thoughts on books, movies, and the absurdity of life. And maybe one of these days I'll get around to starting my own blog...

Thu Jul 14, 07:54:00 PM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whatever you choose - I support it.
Since we're done with politics, Mel came in 3rd and 5th in the moped races last week, I short geared her bike which handicapped her top speed. Now I have to order new sprockets. about an post on the math needed to estimate top speed??

Fri Jul 15, 08:19:00 AM EDT  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only you are more honest than most.
( came here via Sunil)

Fri Jul 15, 12:26:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Nightcrawler said...

CL -- or I guess it's EJ now... I hope you won't hesitate to rail against me when I post my political rants. I enjoy our bantering, bickering, and debating. For me, it is a release, a chance to air out all of the thoughts and ideas that I don't get to release anywhere else. Either people don't know enough to debate with me or they simply refuse to discuss politics with me (ala my wife!). Either way, this is your space and the topics are yours to command. I'll keep in touch!

Sun Jul 17, 09:38:00 PM EDT  
Blogger Dublin Saab said...

The "evil" Jeremy? Name changes? Please tell me we can still yammer on politics over beers?

Wed Jul 20, 12:36:00 AM EDT  

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