Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Vegan January: Day Seventeen

8:00 am: Juice of three-quarters of a pineapple, one grapefruit, two tangerines, about six ounces of cranberries, plus two slices rye toast with sriracha. Had three cups of Earl Grey tea with soy milk. I hadn't slept much and needed some caffeine.

1:30 pm: About one cup of a snack mix consisting of shelled peanuts and Rice Chex. Took six-mile walk around Greenfield Lake, later another three-mile walk with Rachel and dogs Downtown

10:30 pm: Two bowls of vegetable soup (collards, tomatoes, mushrooms, edamame), with a handful or Rice Chex here and there as a snack.

Totals: days, 17; miles, 180.

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